Some Assembly Required Transition Planning Program

Students approaching secondary school, and those who recently began this transition, sometimes find they are not fully prepared. SOAR is a transition planning program for students in grades 7 to 9. This program is designed to assist students to gain an understanding of their disability and how to use this information to enhance their school success. Topics discussed include learning styles, how a learning disability interferes with learning, how to break down school work into manageable steps, preparing for the changes and choices that come in high school, IEPs and accommodations. Each participant will be provided his or her own workbook.
Complete the form below to register your child. Please note that registration is not complete until payment has been received and staff have contacted you to confirm there is room for your child in the program(s).
We work with the A.L.L. for Kids program which may help cover fees for this program. Visit for more information.